Friday, 14 May 2010


Recruitment selection process

Companies use a selection of ways in which to interview potential candidates. There are Telephone interviews, Selection centres, One to One interviews. All of these have one thing in common, the ability to select the best candidate for the job.
The selection process takes on six steps;
  1. Complete an on-line application form
  2. Take some on-line tests, checking key skills required for the position.
  3. First interview, this is with the company manager on a one to one basis.
  4. Attend an assessment centre, where numerous tasks are to be completed. There is also an interview panel.
  5. If you are successful you are then offered a position.
  6. Pre-employment checks are done. Things like references, qualifications, criminal checks. (PWC,2010)

To progress to each stage you have to meet certain criteria. This can be beneficial for the company, yet seen as unfair to the candidate.

Telephone Interviews

This process is used to screen candidates, in order to narrow the pool of applicants. Phone interviews ask a selection of questions;

Background History

  • Dates of employment
  • Job titles
  • Responsibilities
  • Any problems faced, and how you dealt with them
  • Why you left, or want to leave
  • Salary expectations

The Job and the Company

  • Why you are interested in the position
  • Applicable attributes and experience you have
  • What you can do and offer the company

About You

  • What is your greatest weakness and strengths
  • Describe a typical working week
  • Do you handle stress and pressure
  • Describe yourself
  • What motivates you
  • Do you work as a team leader (,2010)

Although this technique is widely used, due to the small cost, compared to a selection interview, it can be seen as unfair to the candidate. The whole interview takes place over the phone, nerves can cause misled answers.

Experience of Interviews

During employment, with a local council, the chance of promotion was made available. The process was made up of internal candidates, who had to complete an application form.

These were then checked over by the HR section, and successful candidates were invited to an interview.

The interview was over a full day. Each candidate was introduced to each other, by the interview panel. The panel consisted of the manager, head of HR, a Representative from another section and a director of leisure services.

Tasks were set out for the candidates to complete. There was team leadership, written assignment on how to bring in more customers by ways of new services, an interview and an on the job task.

There were 2 vacancies available and six potential candidates. After the interview you were sent home and told that you would know the decision the following day.

I was one of the successful candidates, and was given the new position on a 6mth probation, after which I was given a full time contract.

Those candidates who were unsuccessful, were given an interview de-brief, and techniques were given to help in future interviews.

The interview was quite formal, you knew the other candidates, the interview panel and the tasks required. This however did not prevent the nerves from showing.

Personality Tests

A member of the family was asked the question " Do you think that personality tests are advantageous?".

The response was that No they did not, and the reasons why were;

  • They do not show a true character of the person
  • Life changes and experience is more, than previous
  • They can suggest jobs which are not relevant to you
  • They only give a estimate analysis
  • They can be incorrect
  • Easy to lie about yourself


If changes could be made in selecting potential candidates, these are some which could help both emplyer and employee.

On the job techniques to see how the candidate fits in.

More information on what the company is looking for.

More relaxed environment for interviews.


Although the selection process eliminates certain candidates, the process can be quite time consuming. With telephone interviews, the candidate is asked some indirect questions about themselves. If they support a different football team, or like a certain food, their answers can affect how they progress.

References,2010 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2010]

PWC,2010 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2010

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