Thursday, 13 May 2010


HR Plans

To help assist organisations with planning, they require the assistance of a HR person. HR planning helps an organisation with issues such as:

Staffing - The number of employees required to do a given job.

Training - What training needs are required.

Recuitment - Recruiting staff who have a potential to want to succeed and progress within the company.

Redundancy - How much would it cost the company if redundancy was required. (Ies, 1996)

Although HR planning can help management, it can also cause problems if :

Organisations fail to identify the businesses demand, both in skills and securing the required supplies, then the organisation can endanger the capacity to fulfill its function, of providing an efficient service.

Seven-point Plan

Alec Rogers introduced this seven-point plan to assist HR, when planning to recruit new staff. The plan helped in the process of finding an appropiate candidate from others, who could manage the specific job. (wordpress,2009)

To help understand further, the following plan has been formulated to assist in recruiting a university lecture.

  1. Physical make-up - Candidates health, appearance and communication are looked at.

  2. Attainments - What qualifications do they have, the type of education they had and what experience do they have.

  3. General intelligence - The general understanding of the employers requirements.

  4. Special attribudes - Do they use words which may have to be explained.

  5. Interests intellectual - What outside interests do they have, what type of social life.

  6. Disposition acceptability - What influence do they have over others, are they a leader, are they dependant on others and can they work on their own.

  7. Circumstances - Do they mind working unsocial hours, do they mind travelling, or taking work home to mark.

With the aid of this plan it can assist an organisation in finding the most suitable candidate.


Should waitrose plan to open a new store in a town centre, some key labour questions should be asked.

Is the location of the premises easy to locate?

What are the local transport around the area?

Unemployment around the area? (This question needs to be known so the company can advertise and employ locally)

What competition is there from other stores?

What type of employee are they looking for?

What type of salary do they offer?

What experience do they require?

What training is available?


IES, 1996. Human resource planning. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 13 May 2010]

Wordpress, 2009 [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 13 May 2010]

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