The meaning of equality is that a company is complying with a legal legistlation. Equal opportunity says that no person is different, regardless of race, sexuality, gender or disability.
This is where there is a variety of people, each of whom can bring something different to the table.
Margaret Mountford
In her interview with Times on line, Margaret Mountford says that women are only on the board to make up the numbers.
Margaret also argues that women want to come and go, then come again, just so they can have a child.
Margaret was Alan Sugars partner in the famous tv show "The apprentice". Reading through this article there are both arguments for and against her views. (Times on line, 2009)
You cannot expect to choose your hours or days to suit you.
Companies should not be forced to employ someone just because they have to.
If a person has the relevant qualifications and experience to do the job, and are considered an asset, then they should be offered the job.
Men work better than women. If this is the case, why do men expect a woman to multi-task?, ie look after the children, home, cook, shop, pay the bills, as well as holding down a job.
Women do not work better than men in teams. This is unfair as it sometimes takes a women to do the right thing. Marriage is supposed to be a two way deal, yet men expect the woman to remember birthdays, do christmas gifts, write out all the greetings cards. Where is the teamwork in that?
Margarets views are sometimes how she would deal with situations. A negative attitude is to say she would not bargain for anything, yet in business the idea is to get the best deal possible. Sometimes you have to do things you would not usually do.
Age Legislation
This legislation protects people from being dicriminated against. Every person should be treated as an equal, regardless of age or disability. This may stop overt discrimination, yet managers may still only employ younger staff.
People tend to stereo type young and older people. The older generation see young people as imature, inexperienced, idle, trouble makers.
The younger generation see older people as past their sell by date, too old, out of date, old school.
The way that businesses can attempt to change their views is by training them together, set tests both written and physical, older people have the experience yet younger people have the drive and ambition to move up the ladder.
Virgin Atlantic
They are proud to be an equal opportunities employer. They are committed to implement their diversity policy, and employees are expected to treat each other equally and with respect.
Virgin strive to provide a fair and supportive work environment for all employees. they aim to employ people who reflect the diverse nature of society, value employees for contributions made. (virgin Atlantic, 2010)
Boots say that diversity means much more than legal compliance. They employ 12% of staff from ethnic minority, and their polices are updated reguarly. (Boots, 2010)
Although policies arev put in place to protect the employee against discrimination, an organisation only has to interview people from minority types. Yet they do not have to employ them. Health and safety legislations can deter businesses from employing disabled people, because of costs.
These legislations are there as a guide, and not as a means for employees to use against employers.